杂志理念 Philosophy
为成功人士挑选质感好物是我们的宗旨,在众多高级品牌中寻找完美的可能性,我们视腕表为起点,以此跨越各种精品领域,进而一手囊括全方位的精品,为菁英们筛选出独具一流品味的生活内容。自1999 年起,以《世界腕表杂志》起家,再创《世界高级品》,我们专门汇集腕表、珠宝、汽机、居家、时尚、生活等最新资讯,内容丰富详尽,直至今日,更积极发展新媒体,举凡崭新官网、FACEBOOK 粉丝团、YOUTUBE 影音频道、WEIBO 微博、WECHAT 微信... 等多元的社群平台与行动通讯介面,开启各式想像与可能性。沃傑于中、港、台华人地区设点耕耘多年,不仅是是三地知名精品传媒,并灵活运用多年业界经验、资源与专 业执行团队、媒合整合行销、公关顾问等专业服务,提供更完美的广告投放服务。广告投放联系电话:021-61732108/15821083091
It is our principle to select from among a range of luxury products, perfect for our loyal, successful and discerning readers. Ourcontent begins with watches, expanding to all dimensions of an affluent and luxurious lifestyle. World Wrist Watch Magazine, established in 1999, was followed by the successful launch of the bi-monthly Luxury Watcher. With the latest detailed information on-amongst other things-watches, jewelry, motors, lifestyles and fashion. Along with the integration ofDigital offerings, event planning and online shopping services, we have positioned ourselves as one of the finest multi-platform media companies for luxury goods covering China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
世界高级品Luxury Watcher设定為熟龄高阶族群量身定做,以高级精品做出发点的商品情报誌,涵盖了菁英人士对于食衣住行的品味与讲究,内容充实精彩。
资源优势 Superiority
市面上各大书店报摊均有贩售, 且高阶读者群订户之外, 特别针对高端顶级通路管道: 如星级饭店、金融贵宾理财中心、豪宅、机场贵宾室、机上刊物、汽车以及精品贵宾通路管道等, 让喜好精品的人士均能享受我们精心企划的内容。
In addition to regular bookshops, newsagents and via subscriptions, our distribution network also targets high and venues such as five-star hotels, Bank VIP lounge ,Private mansions airport VIP lounges, in flight revate , car showrooms and luxury boutiques. Our latest iPad edition – with built-in video and interactive functions – has made each issue accessible for luxury product lovers in a global scale.
世界高级品杂志Luxury Watcher Magazine以高级精品为领域的商品情报志,涵盖了精英人士所兴趣嗜好等层面,读者群以中高阶主管(33% )、专业人士(26% )、企业负责人(26% ) 为最大宗;女性占比高(45%),归因于珠宝、时尚、家居、生活等女性兴趣领域,以及汽机、珠宝等女性比例渐高的趋势。广告投放咨询电话:021-61732108/15821083091
Magazine specialized in the information coverage of luxury products,consisting of elite readers with a broad range of interests in the luxury world. Our audience mainly consists of mid-high level managers (33%), professionals (26%), and business/corporate owners (26%); female readers are relatively higher in percentage within this publication as there are more topics of female interest covered such as jewelry, fashion, furnishing and lifestyle.
In order to keep up with the fast moving social media industry that requires instant, interacting, mobile, multi-variant and vibrant attributes, we have now redirected our focus on to the four new media platforms website, social media, video, and e-magazine. Structured to interlink across vast networks with the aim to understand and adapt users’action patterns over both online and offline channels. Successfully transform Luxury Watcher into the leading media agency to instantly present detailed information within the luxury world, bringing our readers the most iconic luxury insights.
世界高级品网站 Luxury Watcher Website
News on luxury products such as jewelry, and watches, motor, living, fashion,living, and other categories are accessible through our website almost very instantly upon official release. The published news is organised into several categories such as latest updates, recommendations, popular, column, timeless, celebrity, named brands and other interesting genres. Along with our well-directed online shopping selection, we believe it is a beneficial platform for additional exposures.
社交媒体 微博 Weibo Social Media
社交媒体一直在并非崭新观念,但现今社交形态不同、传播速度不可同日而语。社交媒体平台如Facebook 粉丝页与影音平台Youtube 已成为人们日常习惯使用平台,中国则以微博Weibo、微信Wechat、优酷Youku 为主,也已是主力发声平台。根据品牌特性切入最适社交媒体,并提供完整前导流、中策略、与后监控的专业数位行销手段,这是沃傑于新媒体上的看法与做法。藉由中港台三地主流社群媒体的灵活运用,来发散或收敛聚焦各式品牌新闻与议题操作。借不同社交媒体平台特性,如微博的短文快讯、脸书的散播扩散、官网的详实内文资讯等,达到交互串联的目的。
Social community has always existed; nothing we have not heard of. However in this modern society, the social network we once knew of has changed, not to mention its viral broadcasting speed. Social and media platforms such as Facebook fan page and YouTube have become daily accessed channels, as well as Weibo, Wechat and Youku in China –they are now the primary platform to all people's voices. Our social media marketing strategy is tailored according to the client's needs and aims. We also provide initial property evaluations, strategic planning and analysis of the monitored digital marketing techniques.We operate fluidly through regional's main social media platforms in order to effectively spread and restore client brands' news and discussions should the client deem necessary. We aim to cross interact between platforms by understanding every platform's property, such as Weibo's instant short message, Facebook’s viral efficiency, official website's reliable contents. Making sure all information is accurately broadcast online.
公关 Public Relation
熟稔精品业态,了解客户需求,沃傑经验丰富的公关服务团队,能协助品牌执行公关相关事宜,服务以「策略拟定」,「 议题操作」,「新闻发布」、 「 制作物」为主。
Luxury Watcher is an experienced multimedia firm in the luxury industry that understands the clients’ needs. Our PR team’s primary assistance lies in the following services: strategy planning, topic operations, news broadcasts, and productions .
● 策略拟定 Strategy planning
This is the fundamental key to public relations and marketing. Luxury Watcher is a skilled multimedia firm with great experiences in the luxury industry, hence a reliable agency to tackle the very core of our client brand's needs.
● 新闻发布 News broadcast
Understanding and tailor to the client's needs, Luxury Watcher sets and operates marketing plans systematically with great efficiency. Our experienced and skilled writers compose customized press releases and broadcast across online and offline platforms of the targeting group.
● 议题操作 Topic operation
We hold skillful PR techniques that enable us to relate client’s needs with topics of interest in order to achieve positive, sustainable and beneficial results.
● 制作物 Productions
为顾客设计高质感与品味的相关制作物,可提供专业编写、创意巧思、主题摄影、版面设计、内容排版、印刷输出,一系列的完整流程,让顾客可明确掌握进度与行程,独一窗口更能有效率并流畅地执行每个步骤,达到超乎顾客期待的高品质。广告稿\ 海报\ 简介\ 别册\ 型录\ 网站\App\DM\EDM\Banner
Related products custom designed with high quality and great taste.Providing a professional production line that includes editing, creative writing, themed photography, layout designing, content type setting and prints; with the aim to meet and exceed expectations, clients are able to monitor the entire process and schedule, one direct contact window for efficient and effective communication purposes. advertising proof /Posters / media kit / separate volume / catalogue / APP /Direct Mail / E-DM / banner.
营销 Marketing Promotion
At Luxury Watcher, our marketing team focuses greatly on communication, prompt response and social media management; understanding the clients’ core needs and values then through thorough evaluations, Luxury Watcher organises a complete, detailed strategy plan tailored to the clients’ enquiries.
● 活动企划 Event planning
Tailored marketing strategy based on client's needs, our exquisite taste in aesthetic trend assists in determining the most suitable and effective event planning proposals, with the aim to meet and exceed client's expected results.
● 鉴赏会 Product Event
拥有完整的执行规划经验 , 活动内容可依类别客制设计 , 邀请读者嘉宾一同参与盛会,不仅能近距离鉴赏精品,更创造顶级菁英们的交流平台。
With our absolute operation and planning experience, event contents can be tailored and modified according to specific genres. Inviting our readers and VIP guests to join events that enable them to personally view and appreciate the topic product at the same time creating a sociable gathering platform for the elites, we believe are mutually beneficial.
● 讲座 Seminar
Different areas of expertise and topic of interest, using resources that we possess to hold intellectual seminars inviting industry experts to share their experience, views and perspectives to our invited VIPs.
● 异业结合 Collaborations
经由异业结合、实体活动规划( 例如邀集、鉴赏、 讲座、分享会) 线上线下结合出虚实合击的有效力道,整合行销全面开展。
Introducing and collaborating with brands from other industries, bringing out the best of both labels i.e. VIP invitations, product workshop, seminars, sharing sessions. This work effectively well as sharing of resources from different industries brings consumers of different interests together that could be mutually beneficial for collaborating parties increasing client book,discovering potential consumers and promoting label.
注意事项Advertising Note
● 付款方式 : 请于广告出刊后 30 天内之期票支付款项。
Payment: Cash or cheque within 30 days, after AD appearance.
●刊登条款 Advertising Conditions
1. 广告合约有效期为一年。 The contract period is valid for one year.
2. 指定刊登广告版位者依定价加收 10% 费用。
10% extra charge would be added on the quotation for any request for a designated advertising page.
3. 以特殊方式刊登广告另行报价( 如拉页、插卡、别册与特殊纸张等)。
For any particular required layout of AD, the rate is subject to change.
4. 广告客户请自行提供四色菲林或文档, 如委托本公司代为制作, 则另收广告费之 15% 作为制作费。
Client should provide 4colors film or files to us or 15% AD production charge would be added to the bill.
5. 广告稿件截止日期为出刊前二星期。 The deadline of the AD final artwork is 14 days before publication.
6. 广告客户免费赠送当期杂志10 本。 Advertisers will receive 10 free copies of the issue in which the AD appears.